


9. December 2008.

3 black male puppies were born from the next combination!!!

EUW’07, Intch-Multich Karnaval S Tsvetochnoy Poljany


BIG & BIS winner, Intch-Multich. Beauty in Black from the Devil’s Advocate


Masja & Panni

For more informations click here

The boys were born with 240, 260 and 280 gramm :)


2xCACIB Wels

6-7. december 2008.

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie” got…

First day:

Judge: Gerda Bolter (Austria)


Second day:

Judge: Mr. Hans W. Müller (Switzerland)

Exc. 1., CACA



CACIB Amsterdam (NL)

29. november 2008.

Judge: Mr. David Allan (Spain)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie”

Exc. 1, CACIB


San-Jo-Le’s Francesca „Francy” is 1 year old

Groomed by Veronika Nátly

Thank you Vera!! :-)





Speciality KCHP Prague (CZ)

15. november 2008.

Judges: Georg Walther (D), Tatjana Novotná (CZ)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie”

Exc. 1, CAC, Winner of Speciality Prague ’08


CACIB Vrtojba (SLO)

(2xCACIB show in Slovenia)

8-9 november 2008.

Judge on first day: Doris Cozart (USA)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie” got CAC, CACIB, BOB titles

Judge on second day: Pekka Kumpumaki (SF)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie” got CAC, CACIB, BOB titles


CACIB Dortmund - Bundessieger (D)

19. October 2008.

Judge: Mr. Nils-Arne Törnlöv (Sweden) – kennel „Rusch”

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie” got her first CACIB in a huge competition from a poodle specialist!


VDH Bundessieger ’08

Magda and David, CONGRATULATIONS!! :-)



CAC Sárospatak (H)

12. October 2008.

Judge: Zsuzsanna Petik (H)

San-Jo-Le’s Francesca „Francy” got junior CC


San-Jo-Le’s Francesca „Francy” – 4. October 2008.

(Hungarian Poodle Club Speciality)


judge: Mrs. Tiina Taulous (Finnland)


5. October 2008.

(Budapest European Dog Show)


judge: Mrs. Csilla Aradi (Hungary)


Sim-Son’s Avokado „Bosco”

(picture taken during the summer)

Thanks to his family for their love and care!


San-Jo-Le’s Francesca „Francy” in Tulln (27. September)



Thanks to Edit Molnár (kennel Regenfield) for these pictures!


CACIB Tulln (A)

28. September 2008.

Judge: Mrs. Getraud Kronik (A)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie” – exc.1. CAC


Tulln Jubileum Club Show – Poodle Speciality (A)

27. September 2008.

Judge: Mr. Miroslav Urosevic (SR)

San-Jo-Le’s Francesca „Francy”

Jugenbeste (junior CC)

Junior Club Winner

Best of Breed

(Only 10 months)


CACIB Ceske Budejovice (CZ)

27. September 2008.

Judge: Mr. Istvan Csík (D)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie”  was exc. 1, CAC


Walk where we live

20. September 2008.

Panni & Francy




Girls in movement :)

(pictures are not good quality, from video records)

Beauty in Black from the Devil’s Advocate „Panni”

Autumn 2007. (5 years)


San-Jo-Le’s Francesca „Francy”

August 2008. (8 months)



CAC Leipzig & CACIB Leipzig (Germany)

13-14. September 2008.


Judge: Mrs. Ute Eberhard (D)

Exc. 2, r.CAC (VDH) among 5 bitches


Judge: Mrs. Renata Smycková (CZ)

Exc. 1, CAC (VDH) among 3 bitches!!!

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie”


Fantastic day!

CACIB Debrecen (Hungary)

31. August 2008.

Only 9 months old San-Jo-Le’s Francesca „Francy” was first time in junior class (her second show)

Junior CC

Best of Breed

Best of Group

Junior BIS 4. place

(all breeds and placed only 5 junior dogs)

BEST IN SHOW 4. place!!

Thanks to all judges who awarded Francy!

Mr. Stefan Sinko (SK) – breed

Mrs. Erdőssné Zsuzsanna Balogh (H) – group

Mrs. Olga Gonsharuk (U) – junior BIS

Dr. Giulio Bezzecchi (I) - BIS


CACIB Innsbruck (Austria)

24. August 2008.

Judge: Mrs Lisbeth Mach (CH)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie”

Exc. 1, CACA, r.CACIB


Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie” 20 months old

(Groomed by Jana Vavrousek)


Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie” in the Austrian Alps with her lovely family :-)


8. July 2008.

New photos of Francy – San-Jo-Le’s Francesca

7 months old!

(Groomed by Veronika Nátly)


28. June 2008.

New photos of Panni – Beauty in Black from the Devil’s Advocate

5,5 years old

(groomed by me)


CACIB Nitra (SK)

8. June 2008.

Judge: Mr. Laurent Pichard (CH)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie”

Exc 1., CAC, r.CACIB


Club Winner Show of Slovakian Poodle Club

7. June 2008.

Judge: Dr. Francesco Cochetti (I)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie”

Exc 1., CAC


CAC Senec (SK)

6. June 2008.

Judge: Mrs. Linda Voláriková (SK)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie”

Exc 1., CAC

Among the best three black miniatures


CAC Székesfehérvár (H)

  1. June 2008.

Judge: Erdősné Dr. Balogh Zsuzsanna

San-Jo-Le’s Francesca „Francy” got very promising 1. at her first show

6 months

Panni was with us too and she enjoyed the nice weather without any prejudices :-)

5,5 years


CACIB Bratislava (SK)

17-18 May 2008.

Judges: Mrs. Manola Pogessi (I)

Mrs. Olga Dolejsova (CZ)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia got on both days CAC titles

Archie accomplished condition of Slovakian Junior Champion!!!


CACIB Budapest

10-11. May 2008.

Judges: Mr. Miroslav Gunis (SR)

Mrs. Zsuzsanna Petik (H)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia got both days CAC, r.CACIB


Black miniature ladies :-)

first photo: Panni & Lili (Sim-Son’s Astoria) & Francy

second photo: Lili & Francy & Panni


New photos of Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie”



16 months old


CAC Ostrava (CZ)

13. April 2008.

Judge: Mr. Adam Ostrowski (PL)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia got her first CAC


New photos about Panni’s grandfather, Curlfinch Oldrick

He will be 12 years old in August.



12. April 2008.


Panni & Francy


Hot news!!!

I proudly introduce our new family member – SAN-JO-LE’S FRANCESCA „FRANCY”

Francy is a black miniature female who comes from Sweden.

Breeder are Lena & Johanna Sandström – San-Jo-Le’s poodles

I would like to say grateful thanks to Katarina and Janos Balog (owners of San-Jo-Le’s Narcisso & Ungaro) who helped me a lot and who are my very good true friends for years!!

Also many thanks to Lena and Johanna who have given me this beautiful girl from this exclusive combination!!


The first day Francy & me


Francy’s parents:

Saisonelle Master Class „Winston” & San-Jo-Le’s Vivienne „Jaffa”

Francy & Panni


CAC Nitra (SK)

30. March 2008.

Judge: Mr. Miroslav Gunis

Sim-Son’s Anarchia

CAJC (junior classwinner), best junior

Shortlisted in the Junior Best in Show


9. March 2008.

Graz CACIB (A)

Judge: Mr. Robert Blümel (A)

Beauty in Black from the Devil’s Advocate



Sim-Son’s Anarchia


(not official: best junior poodle in the show)


(group judge: Mrs. Libuse Ubrova, CZ)

Archie is Junior Champion of Austria!!!


14. February 2008.

Mother & Daughter


Panni & Lili


9. February 2008.

Poodle Speciality KCHP Brno (CZ)

Judge: Mrs. Krystyna Opara (PL)

Sim-Son’s Anarchia „Archie”



Junior Club champion KCHP

Congratulations to the happy owners!! :)))



New picture of  Sim-Son’s Anarchia

Champion of Champions Prague – 19. January 2008.


New photos

Beauty in Black from the Devil’s Advocate „Panni”